Grace of Preeminence Clause

The Grace of Preeminence Clause was a ruling by Nicholas Kerensky, supposedly in concert with Lisa Buhallin, that gave the Warrior Caste the legal power to act without any restraint, without any other consultation with authorities and inflict up to capital punishment for any offense. It was, in short, the authorization for the Warriors to be the leaders of Clan society in all matters in the early days of the Clans.

Most Clans recognized the declaration had its place after just surviving the Exodus Civil War and the need to stamp out the last vestiges of rebellion from the Pentagon Worlds after Operation KLONDIKE. However, after the goal of eliminating opposition to the Clan way of life was largely completed, most Clans abandoned the Clause.

Khan Elias Crichell would reinstate the Clause within Clan Jade Falcon upon his rise to power and his desire to control the lower castes within his Clan.[1]


  1. Jade Falcon Sourcebook, p. 20
