
Chungalomeningitis was a neurological virus, evolved from native bacteria, which was named after the community of Chun-Gai on the Calcutta continent on Piedmont where it was first noticed during the early days of colonization.


The virus spread by vectors including human contact and airborne infection, and caused thousands of deaths on Piedmont during its first outbreak.

The initial symptoms of the disease included fever and palsy, leading to brain damage even for many survivors.[1] Other symptoms attributed to Chungalomeningitis include weight gain and hair loss.[2][3]


A treatment for the initial outbreak was eventually found, though it continued to claim dozens of lives every year. During the Star League era the Draconis Combine founded the Piedmont Institute for Disease Control, in an attempt to find a more complete cure, but they were not successful.

During the Amaris Civil War, Amaris' troops attempted to capture samples of the virus for the purposes of biological weapon research, but only managed to accidentally release an even more virulent mutated strain of the virus. This strain infected nearly all the residents of the Cobayne continent, causing DCMS troops to call a nuclear strike on themselves in order to sterilize the area, which remained quarantined even in the time of the Republic of the Sphere. Preventative treatments however kept Chungalomeningitis to a mere handful of cases a year during the 3130s.[1]

Notable Sufferers[edit]

Notable sufferers of Chungalomeningitis include:


Chungalomeningitis was named after a notable member of the Classic BattleTech community who's online handle was Chunga.[citation needed]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Dark Age: Republic Worlds (3130), p. 37: "Piedmont"
  2. Jihad Hot Spots: 3070, p. 49
  3. Blake Ascending, p. 209
  4. Other Perspectives, p. 28
  5. MechWarrior: Dark Age - Dossiers and Pilot Cards, p. 125
