Tanda Ho Jang

Tanda Ho Jang
AffiliationClan Ice Hellion
ProfessionStar Colonel[1]


Tanda Ho Jang was a warrior in the Clan Ice Hellion touman during the late thirty-first century. During Operation ICE STORM, the Ice Hellion invasion of the Clan Jade Falcon Occupation Zone launched in 3071, Tanda was serving in the Ice Hellion Delta Galaxy under the command of Galaxy Commander Damon Hawkins.[1]

In September 3071, Damon launched a Trial of Possession for the planet Steelton. Delta Galaxy had expected the system to be controlled by the Jade Falcons, but when they arrived, they discovered that Clan Hell's Horses - notionally, allies of saKhan Connor Rood - were holding the world. Hawkins decided to launch the attack anyway, on the presumption that the Hell's Horses would accept the outcome, particularly as their agreement with Rood had been that the Horses would limit themselves to capturing worlds from Clan Wolf. Despite Hawkins' confidence in his decision, Tanda had serious doubts about the attack.[1]

Tanda's fears proved justified; by the end of September, every Cluster from Delta Galaxy had seen combat and taken damage, including her command, the Thirty-third Striker Irregulars. Hawkins had been killed by a Point of Gnome battle armor in the opening skirmish, but his successor, Star Colonel Scott Moore, had continued to press the trial.[2]

After two weeks, the Hell's Horses had been steadily pushed back until they held only the Cabletone spaceport, and on the 29th of September Moore ordered Tanda to attempt a Trial for the Hell's Horses DropShips at the spaceport. While Tanda agreed, she and Moore both considered the battle for Steelton to have been an honorless victory.[2]

The battle for Steelton contributed to the Hell's Horses breaking off their alliance with the Ice Hellions; worse still for the Hellions, the Hell's Horses formed a pact with the Jade Falcons, and began attacking Ice Hellion units. Rood would subsequently attempt to cancel the invasion, and recall as many Ice Hellion warriors from the Inner Sphere as possible in an attempt to forestall what he saw as the comprehensive defeat and likely end of the Ice Hellions as a Clan. Tanda was one of those who responded, and managed to escape from the Jade Falcon Occupation Zone with two Trinaries of warriors - almost thirty in total - despite she and many others suffering from dangerous levels of radiation poisoning.[3]

When Tanda caught up with Connor Rood's command aboard the Potemkin-class cruiser Coterie in the Deep Periphery in the uninhabited system NGC-99382, she was the first to be able to confirm to him that Khan Raina Montose was dead, and to give an account of just how bad the battles on Vantaa had been for the Ice Hellions. With her report given, Tanda collapsed.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Operation ICE STORM Part One: The Frost Advances, p. 51-54
  2. 2.0 2.1 Operation ICE STORM Part One: The Frost Advances, p. 64-66
  3. 3.0 3.1 Operation ICE STORM Part Two: Winds of Spring, p. 82-84
