Opson Mathis

Opson Mathis
AffiliationScreaming Eagles

Opson Mathis was the commanding officer of the First Screaming Eagles mercenary regiment during the Fourth Succession War.[1]


Colonel Mathis and the rest of the Screaming Eagles brigade were under contract with the Federated Suns in late 3028 when they were tasked with capturing the Capellan world of New Canton. Leading the First Screaming Eagles and five regiments of garrison troops from Almach, Mathis' forces were assigned with defeating the First Battalion of the Fourth Confederation Reserve Cavalry in the planet's northern jungles. The Capellans' habit of attacking his troops before fading into the jungle infuriated Mathis with devastating results when the Fourth CRC surrendered after being caught in the open. Mathis ordered his men to disable their opponents' BattleMechs, seal their cockpits with the pilots still inside, and then had the entombed cavalrymen shoved into the turbulent Canton River.[1]

Colonel Roberta Gathos, commander of the Seventh Almach Foot Soldiers garrison regiment, was appalled by this act and demanded that Mathis surrender himself to her custody. While the mercenaries and Federated troops initially faced each other with weapons bared, the situation was defused when Eagles MechWarrior Benson Yuli crossed the divide to stand alongside the Seventh Foot Soldiers. Following Yuli's example, the rest of Mathis' men soon deserted him and Mathis ultimately surrendered himself to Gathos and the judgement of the Eagles' overall commander Colonel Walther Hokala.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 1, p. 34: "Third Wave - New Canton"
