MechWarrior 3/Damocles Commando Mission 6

Mission 6


Sinclair: Under Susie Ryan’s order, two small convoys escaped the base just before our arrival, spiriting away a valuable cache of germanium. We’ve tracked them retreating quickly over Desolation Ridge. Our Rim Collective allies believe they’re heading for an old landing site the Collective abandoned two years ago.

Sinclair: The terrain is broken and unstable, but, with jump jets, we should be able to catch the pirates before they can get the ore off Veil. No doubt that landing site at Op Point Charlie is under pirate garrison, but, with Alan, we should be a solid match for them. I see no reason to allow them to finance their cruelty somewhere else. It may not win Veil away from the pirates, but it will hurt them. Right now, I’ll settle for that.


Sinclair: Stay alert! Reports put the pirates in fast ‘Mechs. They’ll know the terrain better than us, so…

Epona: “…keep on your toes and watch for an ambush.” We have it, sir, although a reminder is always welcome.

Alan: Meaning we read the reports, too, Lieutenant.

Epona: Thanks for the translation, Alan.

Alan: Any time, mate. Any time.

Alan: Mind your behind!

Epona: I don’t believe he just said that.

Sinclair: I don’t care what he said. Get to work, you two.

Sinclair: Looks like our pirate friends are in a bit of a hurry.

Alan: Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.

Epona: Let’s hope they don’t have more friends nearby.

Male Pirate: Arrrr! Stand and deliver!

Epona: Give it up already!

Male Pirate: Sinclair! You and your goons are becoming a damn nuisance!

Sinclair: Likewise. Why don’t you just hand over the ore shipment to us and make it easy on yourselves?

Male Pirate: Surrender? Never!


Sinclair: It looks like we’ve finally defeated the pirates, and before they could get their hands on this germanium. All that’s left is to assess damages and to see what they’ve left behind.