Luisa Campos

Luisa Campos
AffiliationStar League
RankMajor General

Major General Luisa Campos was the commander of the Star League Defense Force's XLVI Corps as of 2764.[1]


Having spent her entire career seeking to rise to Corps command, Campos led the 438th BattleMech Division and then was XXXI Corps operations officer, before being given XLVI Corps. Influenced by her time serving within the Lyran Commonwealth, Campos considered dress uniforms and parade colors to be the epitome of military professionalism, and demanded their extensive use within her Corps.

With XLVI Corps garrisoning the Taurian Concordat capital world of Taurus, to the displeasure of some of her officers, Campos redoubled her demands for spit and polish. The public presentation it created did however have some benefit in cooling the ire of some Taurians against the Star League.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Field Manual: SLDF, p. 222
