Heather Winters

Heather Winters
AffiliationClan Nova Cat

Heather Winters was a saKhan of Clan Nova Cat.[1]


In what would be known as the Second Battle for Labrea, Clan Nova Cat Khan Ajax Drummond order attack to reclaim Labrea from the Bears. The attack was to try recapture the momentum of the war for the Cats' and their allies. Led by newly elected saKhan Heather Winters, the would take her forces to flank the center of the Clan Ghost Bear–held world from two different worlds. SaKhan Winters led a task force consisting of her Purity Keshik, Nova Cat Dragoons, 189th Striker (Clan Nova Cat) and the heavily damaged Nova Cat Legers against Labrea in 3099. They would undertake their planetary assault on October 12th, where they met with heavy Ghost Bear Dominion aerospace resistance, losing the Nova Cat Legers' ships in the process of making it to the planet. Ghost Bear forces on planet, Fourth Bear Regulars, First Drakøns, and Second Drakøns would put up heavy resistance in what would turn out to be a month-long campaign.

With the loss of the Legers and their assets, saKhan Winters would have use all her aerospace assets (including DropShips) as air support. Dropping from orbit it, the Nova Cat DropShips would drop from orbit, strike, boost out of the combat for their runs. However, on 4th of November, the Broadsword-Class DropShip, Infrared Dream, would be rendered too much damage to return to orbit. With no options left, the captain ram his vessel into the center of the Second Drakøns, causing an spectacular explosion that took out nearly a Binary of 'Mechs and Trinary of battle armor.

By the 19th, the Drakøn clusters had lost considerable much of their combat effectiveness in comparison to the Regulars. Galaxy Commander Storland would decide to withdraw the Ghost Bear forces from the planet rather than see them destroyed, giving the hard-fought victory to the Nova Cats.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Historical: Wars of the Republic Era, p. 31 The Dragon Strikes / Labrea - Wave 3 - Nova Cats task force retakes Labrea in month-long campaign with heavy losses on both sides.
